Dr. Joachim Wenning

Joachim is specialised in agrochemical law. His practise focus on administrative law in the agrochemical sector. He advises in plant protection law with a regulatory affairs focus.
Joachim speaks German and English.
- Born 1987; lawyer since 2019
- Residence: Bonn - Bad Godesberg
- 2006 - 2011: Studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn
- 2013 - 2017: Worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Labour Law and Social Security Law at the University of Bonn with Prof. Dr. Raimund Waltermann
- 2016 - 2018: Legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Bonn
- 2019: Doctorate (Dr. iur.) with distinction ("summa cum laude")
- Since 2019: Attorney at law at Wenning Rechtsanwälte in Bonn
Main areas of interest:
- Labour law
- Civil law and contract law
- Plant Protection Law
- Die Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und die Urteile des EuGH vom 25.4.2024 – Zum Prinzip der gegenseitigen Anerkennung und dem neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik (gemeinsam mit Dr. Alexander Koof), StoffR 2-2024, 94-115
- Konkludente Betriebsvereinbarungsoffenheit Allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen und insbesondere von tariflichen Bezugnahmeklauseln, RdA 2019, 244
- Dependence of the reimbursability of rental car costs on the will to use?, MRW 2019, 22-24
- Betriebliche Übung und Betriebsvereinbarung, Tübingen 2019, awarded the dissertation prize of the Deutscher Arbeitsgerichtsverband e. V. 2019
- On the question of the justification of the reduction of the old-age pension due to the drawing of the early old-age pension despite recourse as well as on the concept of pension reduction damage, NZS 2017, 305-306
- Newly restricted disposition maxim in revision proceedings, MRW 2014, 2-4
- Possible jurisdictions in accident cases, MRW 2012, 4-7
- Road traffic accidents with an international connection, MRW 2012, 22-26